"…And she smiles at the future." ~Proverbs 31:25

Posts tagged ‘house’

Is there a toddler in the house?

There is in ours, and she spent the day making sure we didn’t forget it!

Miss Mischief

Her first order of business this morning was to sneak out of bed and into her sister’s bathroom where she rounded up three tubes of toothpaste, hid behind the door with the lights off, and began to eat. Toothpaste.

Notice theres no little-kid appeal to these tubes...no bubble gum flavor or sparkly princess design...

After praying (a lot!) and following all the Poison Control Center’s instructions (Did you know too much fluoride is toxic?) and watching her for the next hour to be sure all was well, I put her into her car seat and headed off to the store. My goal: to pick up supplies for a science experiment. Her goal: To see if she could reach the biggest pump-bottle of conditioner on the market. (She could.) So, it ended up on the floor in pieces. (Yes, I cleaned it up. Yes, I offered to pay. Yes, I kept my voice down….somehow…)

We came back home and I opened the pantry and saw this:

Hint from Sesame Street: One of these things is not like the others...

Yes, there is definitely a toddler in the house.

Later, even though we’d just eaten supper, she decided to help herself to a snack (Who left that giant, plastic container of cereal on the island, anyway?) and promptly spilled every last Cinnamon Cheerio it contained onto the floor. It reminded me of another, similar incident not too long ago…

Can someone please tell me why I keep buying cereal in bulk?

Sweet as she is, said toddler insisted on helping clean up the mess AND  using the big broom, and within 30 seconds that broom handle was knocking a glass off the island (Someone really should clear off that island!) and the toddler was crying because it shattered and I wouldn’t let her clean that up, too.


Life with a toddler is hard. And busy. And never, ever boring. And wonderful. Really, really wonderful. (But I’m not sure I’m ready for tomorrow…)

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has days like this. I’d love to hear about your toddler moments, too.